Working Papers
- under review
I study the adverse effect of clients' active participation on experts' investment of effort in the precision of diagnosis.
Awarded: Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award, awarded by the National Science Foundation ($25,000).
Humanization of Virtual Assistants and Delegation Choices
(with Andreas Drichoutis and Marco Palma)
- under review
We experimentally examine how the gender attribute of virtual assistants affects users' willingness to delegate decision-making to them, and whether these gender attributes shape new gender stereotypes.
The Evolution of Risk Attitudes: A Panel Study of the University Years
(with Catherine Eckel and Rick Wilson)
- Revise and Resubmit to Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
We exploit a five-year longitudinal dataset to evaluate the stability of risk preferences, and we identify distinct patterns of the stability of risk preference measured by incentivized lottery choice tasks and by survey questions.
"Hot" and "Cold" Punishment in Public Goods Provision [Draft][Slides]
(with Andy Cao, Catherine Eckel, Jinliang Liu, Phatchaya Piriyathanasak, Samuel Lockhart Priestley, and Sora Youn )
With eye trackers to monitor participants' pupil dilation throughout the experiment, we assess how negative emotions play a role in the effectiveness of penalty rules in mitigating the issue of free-riding.
(with Andy Cao, Eugen Dimant, and Kyle Dyndman)
We study the joint effect of competition and social proximity in shaping trust, reciprocity, and altruism.
Work In Progress
Altruistic Lies [In Progress]
(with Paul Feldman, Connor Magnuson, and Marco Palma)
We build a theoretical framework and experiment to study the tradeoff of an individual's concerns on self-interest, other's interests, and norm compliance.